
TDA Remote Testing For All Categories

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) has transitioned to a new platform, EverBlue, to provide certification testing for all categories in Tennessee. The new program, which launched, March 23, 2021, offers completely remote testing! The registration fee is still $25 for certification exams and $150 for license exams.

TDA has posted a Pesticide Certification and License Examinations Candidate Information Bulletin (attached) on the Pesticide Forms page, and just released two instructional videos to guide exam candidate through the registration and exam process:

https://vimeo.com/528126577/2a8fad9725 (Part 1- Registration)
https://vimeo.com/522844077/5bdf9e1249 (Part 2- Exam process)

Instructions on Registering
The registration link can be found by searching “pesticide forms” on the TDA’s website and then click “Application to Take the Certification Exam”

Here is the direct registration link: https://register.tn.pesticide.onlinetestportal.com/ Complete the test taker’s personal information and choose the category they are testing for.

Note that the test “ID” does not match up with the TN categories! Once the registration fee is paid, an email is sent with the receipt and EverBlue login credentials (two different emails). After logging in, a candidate can take the test at any time – just be sure that all technical specifications are met:

  • An actual computer or laptop are required to take the exams, cell phones and tablets are not allowed.
  • A working webcam and microphone are required on your laptop/computer.
  • Use Google Chrome and download and install the Proctorio Extension
  • Government issued photo ID must be shown on your webcam prior to taking the exam.
  • A room scan is required before the exam to get a full view of the room.

Once registered and logged in, there are more detailed instructions. A 10 minute instructional video is required to be watched before the exam begins.

Once the exam is submitted, the test taker will find out whether they failed or provisionally passed their exam. Immediate results are provisional and NOT final. Please allow 3 business days for proctoring review and transmission to TDA.