
Empowering Women in Pest Control

Get Involved with PWIPM Today!

Tennessee Professional Women in Pest Management

Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM) is an affiliate group of the National Pest Management Association. The TN organization is open to all.

Our mission is to network and empower women all across the state of Tennessee. Professional Women in Pest Management is open to anyone. We encourage everyone to attend our regular meetings and join our Facebook group!

Upcoming Events

Our next meeting is on January 30, 2024, 11:00 AM Eastern Time. Register in advance for this meeting here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUldOmtrTopHNcZCVOEzGEvuiKHPKBAnzb_#/registration

Where to find us

You can learn more about the national PWIPM organization by going here: https://www.pwipm.org/

You can also join our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/TNPWIPM

We are looking forward to networking with women across the state of Tennessee and would love to see you at our next meeting.

For any questions, please email our PWIPM TN Committee Chair Erin Richardson at Erin@allamericanpestcontrol.com.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If your company would like to support our PWIPM Council, we are actively seeking sponsors to help us reach our inaugural year goals which includes the launch of an annual Women’s Empowerment Grant. Please call or email Erin Richardson for more information, Erin@allamericanpestcontrol.com.